
March 9th~
busy fingers playing Webkinz.

March 8th~

March 7th~
Disneyland.... Another wonderful day with our great friends, Karen, Grace and Ava.

March 6th~
OH MY GOSH.... Kindergarten is right around the corner. I went to pick up the registration packet today. What a strange feeling to know that my baby is going to be in school 5 days a week in full-time kindergarten.

March 5th~
Listening to the story at preschool.

March 4th~
Today we had team pictures. I took a few cute ones of my cute boy at home before-hand.

March 3rd~ can it be that I actually did NOT take a picture today?

March 2nd~
Another uncommonly warm March day.
I love it when he falls asleep reading books.
I have joined a book club. Being so sick this past month though, I missed the meeting. But~ I did finish this book. I really enjoyed the storyline.
I'd recommend this book.

March 1st~
He loves playing catch with daddy...

This time he closed his eyes..... Let the ball hit his chest....
and smiled....
The rest of the time was catching, running and throwing the ball.

Feb. 29th - LEAP DAY!
OK - we are up and running again...YEAH!
I am having blogger issues... Pictures from the past week hopefully will be loaded this afternoon. We had a lot of fun today at the park.

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