
June Really?

Ok - this is really for myself. I can't believe how busy the last month has been. I will do a little catch up. Pictures are definitely taken EVERY DAY, just not uploaded or posted. I need some time on the computer this weekend.

Oh - did I tell you that it was 105 today here in EC and the other part of this statement is that the A.C. is NOT working. UGH.

Ok -pictures soon!
June 4th -

Oh my ~ my boy is finishing preschool today.

Last morning before we leave for the last day at preschool.

Benjamin in front of the tracing of Benjamin. Such a great activity.

The Tooty-Taa... Fun and silly dance that had been done during music all year long. Benjamin was not interested in this dance during the year, but did a great job tonight.

My preschool graduate!

June 3rd - taking a rest with the newest webkinz (elliephant) from Hawaii. June 2nd -

I finally finished this blanket for baby Tommaso. My trip is right around the corner. I am so excited.

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